Bree Jimenez, Ph. D.
Department Chair Professor
Dr. Bree Jimenez is professor in special education and chair of the Department of Educational Psychology (EDP) at Baylor School of Education. She earned a Ph.D. in special education from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte and joined the Baylor University faculty in 2024. Prior to joining the faculty at Baylor, she was a special education teacher, grant-funded research liason, Lead Research Associate for a U.S. federally funded grant, and university professor.
Her research focuses on general curriculum access and assessment for students with intellectual disability and autism. Specifically, Dr. Jimenez’ research focuses on math, science, and STEM instruction for students with moderate to severe intellectual disability and autism. She is a principal investigator on over 3.5 million dollars of research funding focused on engineering and early numeracy instruction for students with developmental disabilities.
Dr. Jimenez is the author/co-author of over 40 peer-reviewed journals articles, multiple book chapters, and several books on strategies to support academics for students with disabilities. She works closely with teachers, administrators, school systems, and state departments of education both nationally and internationally.
Dr. Jimenez previously served as a board member of the Division for Research of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC-DR) and is currently serving in the presidential line (2023-2026) for the Division for Autism and Developmental Disabilities of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC-DADD). Dr. Jimenez is also an author of the internationally implemented academic classroom curriculums: Teaching to Standards: Math; Teaching to Standards: Science; Early Numeracy; Early Science; Access Algebra and Access Geometry.
- Developmental Disabilities
- Special Education
- General Curriculum Access
Select Publications
- School Science and Mathematics Journal, 2024
"An instructional framework for teaching STEM to students with moderate to severe disabilities"
With co-authors L. Wood and G. Courtade - Journal of Special Education, 55(3), 174-185, 2021
"Development of engineering habits of mind for students with intellectual disability"
With co-authors G. Croft, J. Twine, J. Gorey - Inclusion, 2022
"Specially designed instruction of early numeracy in the inclusive elementary classroom for students with extensive support needs" (Advanced online)
With co-author T. Barron
Research Interests
- Use of direct and systematic instruction to support general curriculum access for k-12 students with moderate-severe intellectual disability
- Development of engineering design curriculum and teacher training to support quality instruction for elementary students with developmental disability
- Early numeracy instruction for EC-12 students with moderate-severe intellectual disability